A timely blog about personal stories, connecting on intimate levels of facing failure, and probably conspiracy theories.

A timely blog about personal stories, connecting on intimate levels of facing failure, and probably conspiracy theories.


Space Drugs

A new play about grief, memory, and drugs from space.

Coming soon.


About the Author

Jo McIver Lee is a Colorado Native and feels elitist as shit about it. With a degree in Theatre Production from the University of Colorado Denver, Jo has been writing, performing and producing in the performing arts for over a decade. A classic over-sharer, she has explored sharing her stories with audiences through stand-up comedy, improvisation, sketch writing and playwrighting. Her company, Bub Comedy, worked from 2014-2020 to partner with local breweries, businesses and nonprofits in Longmont CO to produce comedy shows, events and the annual Longmont Laugh Fest. She enjoys a super sweet stout, margherita pizza, watching The Crown, and playing DnD with her husband, Jon. Jo has a Corgi-mix puppers; he is called Kevin Costner.